Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! Lex's Birtday is May 11th. He was exactly 4 months old on September 11th. I remember feeling so scared about what kind of world I had brought my beautiful baby boy into. Truth is...I brought him into a beautiful world in the best country on the planet!!! (I've traveled all over...I know.) Happy Birthday America!!!

Me & My Handsome Princes:

Me & Lupita:

The Kids, All Lined Up to Light Fireworks:

Lupita, Isaac, & Andrew:

Jonny & Lex Waiting for Fireworks:

Lex Enjoying Time at the Park (Junior in background):

Junior Showing His Pride 3 Ways (American Flag, California Tattoo on Forearm, and Head-to-Toe L.A. Lakers):

Lex & His Flag:

The Kids Wait for The Parade:

Every Memorable Night Ends With Someone Getting Arrested...HA HA:

P.S. Isaac, Andrew, Jonny, & Lex are posing behind a patrol car.